004T YSK140-120-6A5 5KCP39DGM004T
1132 YSK120-105-6A 5KCP29TUE1195
307 YSK140-245-6A1 5KCP39HGM307AT
4440 YSK140-150-6A4 5KCP39FGM4440
511 YSK140-120-6A3 5KCP39DGM511T
5158 YSK140-120-6A7 K55HXPKG-5158
54788 736 YSK120-185-6 5KCP29MGE736S
635C YSK140-150-6A5 5KCP39HGMS635C
There's a lot to consider when it comes to ordering fan motors. The CPMDJ team is here for you. Let us know what you're looking for, and we'll help you determine which fan motor options are best for your application.