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Understanding Your Outdoor Fan Motor Wiring Diagram

Views: 10     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-05-26      Origin: Site

When it comes to your outdoor air conditioning system, the fan motor plays a crucial role in keeping your home cool and comfortable. Understanding how the fan motor works and how to read its wiring diagram can help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise. In this article, we’ll go over the basics of outdoor fan motor wiring diagrams, including the different types of wiring diagrams, what each component represents, and how to read and interpret the information provided.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Types of Wiring Diagrams

    1. Schematic Wiring Diagrams

    2. Ladder Wiring Diagrams

    3. Pictorial Wiring Diagrams

  3. Components of an Outdoor Fan Motor Wiring Diagram

    1. Power Supply

    2. Run Capacitor

    3. Start Capacitor

    4. Compressor

    5. Fan Motor

    6. Fan Blade

    7. Condenser Coil

    8. Contactor

    9. Thermostat

  4. How to Read an Outdoor Fan Motor Wiring Diagram

    1. Understanding the Symbols

    2. Tracing the Circuit

    3. Troubleshooting

  5. Conclusion

  6. FAQs

Types of Wiring Diagrams

There are three main types of wiring diagrams used in the HVAC industry: schematic wiring diagrams, ladder wiring diagrams, and pictorial wiring diagrams. Each type has its own unique characteristics and is used for a specific purpose.

Schematic Wiring Diagrams

Schematic wiring diagrams are the most common type of wiring diagram used in the HVAC industry. They use symbols to represent the components in the system and show the interconnections between them. Schematic diagrams are useful for troubleshooting because they provide a clear visual representation of the circuit.

Ladder Wiring Diagrams

Ladder wiring diagrams are used to show the wiring of control systems on HVAC equipment. They are called ladder diagrams because they resemble a ladder, with the components arranged in a vertical line. Ladder diagrams are useful for understanding the sequence of operations of a system.

Pictorial Wiring Diagrams

Pictorial wiring diagrams are the easiest to understand of the three types. They show a graphic representation of the components in the system and how they are connected. Pictorial diagrams are useful for beginners because they provide a clear visual representation of the circuit.

Components of an Outdoor Fan Motor Wiring Diagram

An outdoor fan motor wiring diagram will typically include several components, including the power supply, run capacitor, start capacitor, compressor, fan motor, fan blade, condenser coil, contactor, and thermostat. Let’s take a closer look at each of these components.

Power Supply

The power supply is the source of electrical energy for the system. It is usually a 240-volt alternating current (AC) power supply.

Run Capacitor

The run capacitor is used to provide a boost of power to the motor when it is running. It is connected to the motor and helps to keep it running smoothly.

Start Capacitor

The start capacitor is used to provide a burst of power to the motor when it starts up. It is connected to the motor and is used only during the startup process.


The compressor is the heart of the air conditioning system. It compresses the refrigerant gas and sends it to the condenser coil.

Fan Motor

The fan motor is responsible for moving air across the condenser coil, which helps to dissipate the heat absorbed by the refrigerant gas.

Fan Blade

The fan blade is attached to the fan motor and is responsible for moving air across the condenser coil.

Condenser Coil

The condenser coil is responsible for releasing the heat absorbed by the refrigerant gas into the outdoor air. It is located outside the home and is exposed to the elements.


The contactor is an electromechanical switch that is used to turn the system on and off. It is controlled by the thermostat and is located inside the unit.


The thermostat is the device that controls the temperature of the home. It communicates with the contactor to turn the system on and off as needed to maintain the desired temperature.

How to Read an Outdoor Fan Motor Wiring Diagram

Reading an outdoor fan motor wiring diagram may seem intimidating at first, but it is actually quite simple once you understand the symbols and how to trace the circuit. Here are the basic steps to follow:

Understanding the Symbols

The first step in reading an outdoor fan motor wiring diagram is to understand the symbols. Each component in the system is represented by a unique symbol. Some of the most common symbols include the following:

  • Square: Represents a switch or relay

  • Circle: Represents a motor or other device

  • Triangle: Represents a capacitor

Tracing the Circuit

Once you understand the symbols, the next step is to trace the circuit. Start at the power supply and follow the circuit through each component, using the symbols to guide you. Pay close attention to the wiring and make sure it matches the diagram.


If you are experiencing issues with your outdoor fan motor, the wiring diagram can be a valuable troubleshooting tool. By following the circuit and checking the wiring, you can identify any issues and make the necessary repairs.


Understanding your outdoor fan motor wiring diagram is an important part of maintaining your air conditioning system. By knowing how to read and interpret the information provided, you can troubleshoot any issues that may arise and keep your home cool and comfortable.


  1. Why is it important to understand my outdoor fan motor wiring diagram?

    Understanding your outdoor fan motor wiring diagram can help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise with your air conditioning system.

  2. What are the different types of wiring diagrams used in the HVAC industry?

    The three main types of wiring diagrams used in the HVAC industry are schematic wiring diagrams, ladder wiring diagrams, and pictorial wiring diagrams.

  3. What components are typically included in an outdoor fan motor wiring diagram?

    An outdoor fan motor wiring diagram will typically include components such as the power supply, run capacitor, start capacitor, compressor, fan motor, fan blade, condenser coil, contactor, and thermostat.

  4. How can I use my outdoor fan motor wiring diagram to troubleshoot issues with my air conditioning system?

    By following the circuit and checking the wiring, you can identify any issues with your air conditioning system and make the necessary repairs.

  5. Can I perform maintenance on my outdoor fan motor myself?

    It is recommended that you hire a professional HVAC technician to perform maintenance on your outdoor fan motor to ensure that it is done correctly and safely.